Published Research

Bone Loss Prevention In Ovariectomized Rats Using Stable Amorphous Calcium Carbonate

Amorphical has shown an increase in calcium bioavailability in rats administered with synthetic, stable Amorphous Calcium Carbonate (ACC) in comparison to crystalline calcium carbonate (CCC). This study sought to see whether the superior bioavailability indeed manifests improved bone mass density in an animal osteoporosis model.

The study compared the effects of stabilized ACC derived from either Cherax quadricarinatus gastrolith or synthesized ACC with those of CCC or calcium citrate found in commercial calcium supplements.

Study results

  1. Administration of natural or synthetic ACC helped prevent bone loss more than the CCC and calcium citrate. This conclusion was based on Micro-Computed Tomography (µCT) of each rat group’s bone structure as well as on markers in urine.
  2. The ACC administered groups were the only ones showing significant increase in the strength of osteoporotic weakened bones. The strength increase was even more significant with synthetic ACC than with the natural gastrolith ACC.

The article authors concluded that these were a medical breakthrough, as such level of bone loss prevention had never been previously reported. The study findings indicate ACC’s high potential for preventing metabolic bone disorders such as osteoporosis.



“Bone loss prevention in ovariectomized rats using stable amorphous calcium carbonate”, Shltiel, G., Bar-David, E., Meiron, O.E., Waltman, E., Shechter, A., Aflalo, E.D., Stepensky, D., Berman, A., Martin, B.R. & Weaver, C.M, Health 5, 18-29 (2013). Health

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